
Hexadecimal encoding

Base16, also known as hexadecimal encoding, is a binary-to-text encoding scheme that represents binary data as a sequence of 16 characters (0-9 and A-F).

How it works ?

Hexadecimal encoding works by dividing the binary data into 4-bit blocks and then representing each block as a character in a predefined set of 16 characters.

This results in a representation that is more compact than the original binary data, making it easier to store or transmit.

To encode binary data as Base16, each group of 4 bits is converted to its corresponding hexadecimal character, and the characters are concatenated to form the final encoded string.

To decode Base16-encoded data, the reverse process is performed, converting each hexadecimal character back into its corresponding 4-bit binary representation and concatenating the results.


data = b"SomeData"

hexData = data.hex()

decoded = bytes.fromhex(hexData)

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